Why people buy
There’s nothing more compelling than accepting an offer from a person we know. Whether they’re selling us products, an idea, or services, Most of the time we base our decisions simply on the level of how we know the person. That’s mainly because we like and trust them. But looking on a larger context, Buying from the people we trust don’t always guarantee that we are getting the best option in the market.
In this article, I have break down the list of questions you should consider in making the right decisions, whether you are buying a product, availing a service or just simply supporting an idea.
What is the expected value that you’ll be getting from the product?
Most people just buy because they are lured at the moment that the product is presented to them. Have you ever been in that moment when you bought something and realized after getting home that you didn’t really need it? Sad but true and this is the main thing that we should always put into detail. There’s nothing wrong in pausing a little in front of the salesperson just to think If the product will have long-term value for you.
Is the product tried and tested?
In a society where almost everything is labeled as “Proven and Tested”, You can’t just simply determine if a product is proven to be effective. You have to test it or at least find someone who can give you an insight with regards to the effectiveness of the product.
People don't buy from whom they know, like, and trust. I've said "no" to plenty of erstwhile people like that. Meanwhile, I've said yes to many people I never knew, and certainly didn't particularly like and while I usually didn't DISTRUST them (I wouldn't have had much information to do so) on the flip side I wouldn't say I had a tremendous amount of trust in them as people either. Rather, I trusted the PRODUCT. I trusted the OUTCOME. The SALESPERSON only matters in so much as they were required for the DELIVERY of that solution-- which is less often than you might want to believe. And if you ask yourself the same question honestly-- in your life-- you will find yourself doing THE SAME THING.